Betting On Horse Racing – The Mindset Of The Betting Bet88 Asia

In this final article in my series on Betting On Horse Racing I examine the importance of adopting the mindset of the betting pro. What is that mindset and how do we adopt it? The winning mentality or mindset of the Bet88 Asia is one of the hardest things to adopt day in and day out, but it is critical if you are to achieve any level of success and, more importantly, make a consistent income from your betting on horse racing.

I truly believe that this is the one thing that sets the top 1% of elite betting pro’s apart from the rest of the “punter” and “gamblers” who aspire to make money from Bet88 Asia on horses. The fact is that you can teach people the skills required to be successful at betting, how to set up their betting bank, how to set their stakes, how to read form and make selections. All this can be learnt.

However, each one of us naturally has different levels of risk we are willing to take, a different level of loss we are comfortable with, different levels of patience and of course discipline to stick to our rules. We are all naturally different in our character and this makes up what I call our “mindset”. We can all learn the same skills but each of us will apply them slightly differently. I know this from personal experience with my members and subscribers. I can teach 30 people the same fundamental skills and even supply them all with the same selections and yet each one will come back with different results.

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