How Do You Use The Baby Wipes?

It was almost past break and the wear and tear of climbing the office stairs is already telling on my work speed. So, I remembered I had a little snack hidden away from prying eyes. I subtly reached for it in my drawer prepared a cup of coffee to” back it up”; I was enjoying the sip until the inevitable happened! I spilled the coffee on my dress and it formed something that looked exactly like the Map of Antarctica. Gosh! Am sure you can identify with this scene, I had to get it off fast and without trace as I had a presentation later that day, luckily for me, I stored a pack of wet wipes in my drawer and it took care of the stain expertly. So am forced to think of so many ways other people use and probably misuse of baby wipes, it will be outlandish to say we only use baby wipes for babies… Who does that?

Over a long period of time, wet wipes have become a basic or essential part of our everyday life; the most prominent being the baby wipes. Baby wipes are almost a necessity for every mother and, to a larger extent, everybody. Naturally, they are used in the cleaning of the sensitive skin of infants, moistened primarily with cleansing agents, fragrance and other allergy proof materials; which makes it suitable for so many other things, as we are about to find out.

Baby wipes were originally made for diaper changes, to clean up whatever mess the infants are prone to making. According to pediatricians, baby/diaper wipes are hypoallergenic and are just fine for newborn infants. The only downside is that some newborn infants may develop inflammation or nappy rash which can be caused by a variety of reasons. In such cases, it is then advisable to use cotton wool with warm water until the baby is ready for regular wipes.

Despite that they were made to clean up after babies, it will be inaccurate to conclude that baby wipes are only used for diaper changes nowadays as they can be used for a variety of other things beyond imagination. Baby wipe have become the “marvelous do-everything product” that most cannot do without. Listed below are a few of the innumerable uses of it.

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