How to Matching Sister Shirts Kids Or Brother Feel Special

Matching Sister Shirts Kids: Having a baby is an exciting and challenging time for any new parent, and additional complications arise for parents who already have children. Becoming a sibling can be quite confusing for children. And feelings of jealousy and sibling rivalry are real, right from the start. Here are a few tips we’ve found to help ease a new big brother or sister into the idea. And show them just how special, unique and important they are!

1. Don’t force it. If your older child is interested in touching or holding his/her new little sibling, encourage them. But if they’d rather look from a distance for now, that’s fine, too!

2. Let your older child pick out a special gift for his new little brother or sister before hand, and allow him/her to present it once the baby is born.

3. Have a special ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’ gift ready for your older child. Customized t-shirts that feature the child’s name are a great way to honor your older child and make them feel special.

4. Set aside special one-on-one time each day for your older child to spend time alone with Mom or Dad. Or if you are finding yourself completely overwhelmed with new parent duties ask Grandparents. Aunts, Uncles or close friends to come over and spend some quality time with the new big sister/brother(or maybe even a field trip to the Zoo!)

5. Encourage ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’ acts while discouraging regression or ‘baby’ acts from your older child. At the same time, it is important that your older child has boundaries where it comes to the new baby. Its very common for a new older sibling to want to take over!

Having a new baby is a very exciting time, but becoming a new sibling is just as exciting and an important milestone in a child’s life! In time, they will grow to have a very special and lasting bond – take it slow, and best wishes!

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