The Sky’s the Limit: Louis Vuitton’s Custom Creations

Since its inception in the mid-1800s, the distinguished Louis Vuitton Replica Company has manufactured hundreds of handbags, wallets, and sunglasses to market to the general public. But in addition to its stylish stock items, the renowned fashion house has also designed a wide array of custom Louis Vuitton handbags, trunks, and other unique items to meet the specific demands of its high-profile customers. In fact, the company has its very own special orders department located at the Louis Vuitton headquarters in Paris, France.

Each year, approximately 600 lucky Louis Vuitton loyalists receive customized items created just for them. Below are some of the most outlandish requests Louis Vuitton has received and completed: Why go to such extremes to meet custom demands? According to Jade Hantouche, manager of special orders, it’s essential to cater to well-heeled Louis Vuitton customers as a means of perpetuating the brand’s elite reputation. Creating these “dream items” is also a great way to stir up new publicity for the long-standing fashion house, getting people talking and keeping the Louis Vuitton name in the headlines.

If a customer has enough money and clout, Louis Vuitton will create virtually any special-order item. As long as it remains true to the spirit of the company’s central product line. Every item manufactured by the luxury luggage house must serve some travel-related need. Suitcases, garment bags, cosmetics bags, carry-on bags, jewelry cases, purses, wallets, and sunglasses all qualify. The company once had to turn down a request from a client who wanted a Louis Vuitton casket. As this did not meet the criteria of a travel item.

There’s virtually no limit to the custom travel pieces the fashion house can create. To put in a special order, simply stop into any Louis Vuitton Replica store. You will be notify if your custom order is approve. Special orders can take up to six months to complete. Throughout the process, Louis Vuitton keeps custom clients apprised of their item’s status by sending frequent photographs. The items for each special-order customer are assign a unique lock number. At the end of the construction process, the customer is give the option to come into. The workshop to hammer the final nail into their creation.

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